Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary DEMO

sat12mar7:00 pmsat10:00 pmMage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary DEMO7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT-06:00)

Event Details

I tell you this: We are Divinity.

Reality is ours to bend. To subvert. To command. We have that power – all of us. Not everyone knows what to do with it, or uses it well. Most of us never realize just what it is we are or how much we can do. Those of us who do… well, some of us are monsters.

Manipulators. Parasites. Tyrants. Fanatics. And the rest of us never see that monster in our own mirror, only in the reflections of those folks who are not “us.”

Here’s the truth, though: We are ALL “us.” We are ALL gifted, We can ALL change the world. Most of us remain asleep. A blessed few Awaken. Fewer still use that power wisely. And none without consequences.

And so, reality is up for grabs. Where do you stand?
And will you Fall… or Ascend?

In Mage, reality is not fixed, but rather a set of agreed upon assumptions enforced by the collective will of humanity, the Sleepers. Mages are those people who recognize that reality is not static, and realize that through the application of their will, usually channeled through rituals or other similar “mystical” or “scientific” practices, reality can be changed.

The specifics of their own belief, called a Paradigm, guides them into joining either one of the nine mystical Traditions (an ancient fellowship of mages of varying points of view), one of the five conventions of the Technocracy (an organization founded at the beginning of the age of reason to bring science and truth to humanity), or to strike out on their own as Disparates (unaffiliated mages).

The central theme of Mage is the search for Ascension, not only for the individual but for all of mankind. What Ascension is, and how it is achieved is purposely left undefined. Utilising the 9 Spheres of magic, mages make their way through a world not entirely unlike our own as they reach for their own personal vision of Ascension.

Join Angel the Storyteller as we explore the urban fantasy of Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversery Edition! Characters will be provided and dice will be made available. Mage is a d10 system, and it is recommended to have between 6 and 10 d10s.


March 12, 2022 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT-06:00)


ReRoll Tavern

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