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Comic Clash


Join Kansas City’s Mightiest Heroes and Most Vile Villains clash in a content creating frenzy! Join in the fun alongside other awesome KC Creators and Cosplayers in this eight week extravaganza brought to you by Planet ComicCon, ReRoll Tavern, Vignettes Cocktail Bar, Apparition Events and more awesome sponsors.

What is it?
The Comic Clash is an eight week mega game, incentivizing participants to win points for their team and personal prizes by posting up to once a day on Instagram and Facebook and supporting their team. Participants score 1 point for a simple post, 3 points for an image, 5 for posting a carousel, and 7 for posting a reel. They are then awarded bonus points based on a variety of factors detailed below and entered into daily drawings to win prizes from sponsoring businesses.

Why Participate?
The main reason to participate in the ComicClash is to have fun! Reasons for participating may differ from participant to participant, but a few possible motivations for your heroism or villainy can be:
To help your team win the contest and the infinite bragging rights!
To win prizes from some of the coolest businesses in Kansas City, including gift cards, tickets to Planet ComicCon, themed swag, and more!
To gain visibility for your art, cosplay and creation. Participating businesses as well as the official ComicClash page will repost and share cool content, bringing more eyes to see your stuff!
As an excuse to make really cool stuff! If you’ve looked for a reason to upgrade your cosplay or paint a picture of a heroine – here it is!

The ComicClash will kick off officially on February 16th, reach its climax at ComicCon on March 19th, and conclude on April 8th. It will have three phases, during which points will be scored and then reset!

How to Participate:
Post publicly up to once a day on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #ComicClash and declare your support for either #KCVillains or #KCHeroes. We will respond to posts under these hashtags from our official ComicClash page with the amount of points that they score. If you have any questions email our contest officials at
Bonus Points
Bonus points will be awarded by the contest judges via the official ComicClash page. Throughout the contest, additional ways to earn bonus points will be revealed. However, generally speaking, bonus points are awarded for doing things that showcase the three pillars of the contest: Cosplay, Creation and Community!

Post in cosplay + 5
Post a collaboration with a friend +3
Strike an awesome pose +1
Utilize a local photographer for the photoshoot +3
Showcase a piece of art you created +5
Showcase a piece of art a friend created +2
Showcase a piece of art you purchased locally or at ComicCon +3
Tag @PlanetComiccon +1
Tag @ReRollTavern +1
Tag @VignettesBar +1
Post at Planet ComicCon +5
Post at VignettesBar +5
Post at ReRoll Tavern +5
Post at any authorized HIDEOUT and tag that location + 5
Post with an authorized GIZMO and tag the creator +3
Get reposted by ComicClash Page +10

Gizmos are objects created by participating businesses, which gain you additional points when you post with them. Authorized Gizmos will be listed on our website and will be indicated by the participating business.

Hide Outs
Hideouts are participating locations where you can earn additional points by taking pictures and making posts at. Authorized Hideouts will be listed on our website


Phase 1: Rumblings – A Super villain bar is opening up in Kansas City – will superheroes be able to stand against it? This begins with the announcement of the pop up bars and ComicClash and culminates in a party at ReRoll + Vignettes (March 4th)

Phase 2: Clash at the Con! As battle lines have been drawn, antiheroes, cosplayers and groups all around enter the fray as the great battle comes to a head at Sunday at ComicCon(March 19th)

Phase 3: A Shonen Showdown – Ancient warriors, ninjas and samurais enter the fray alongside Planet Anime’s announcement of heroes. Which team will win the final round? (April 8th)

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