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yelp kc local adventure challenge

Are you Kansas City’s
top adventurer?

Yelp KC Local Adventure Challenge
Are you eager to get outside and explore and support the best KC has to offer? Join us for Yelp KC’s first #LocalAdventureChallenge! FREE bike rentals and discounts all across town to uncover a new favorite spot! Yelp Local Adventure

Throughout the month of May, we will unveil a Yelp collection of local business offers in four walkable, bikeable areas of Kansas City. The challenge is for you and your friends to get out and explore as many local spots and their perks, one week at a time.


Each week in May, we’ll unveil a Yelp collection that will guide you to explore a new neighborhood by foot, by FREE bike rental from RideKC’s bike share fleet, or any other way you choose. Each neighborhood collection will showcase various locally owned businesses, several that are offering you a special Yelp Check-In offer for you to use when you visit. Additionally, each neighborhood will have a dedicated, IG-worthy selfie spot for you to snap a pic at to cap off your exploration!

***We’re kicking off with North Kansas City, with the Check-In offers valid May 1 through May 8:

– Big Rip Brewing ($2 off any beer)
– Bohème in Iron District (10% off signature candle)
– Brewkery (BOGO kombucha or BOGO hard kombucha (21+)
– Callsign Brewing (Any beer for $3)
– Chappell’s ($2 Crane Mexican lager)
– Chicken & Pickle (Free hour of court time, Mon-Thurs)
– Cinder Block Brewery ($2 off any beer)
– Driftwood Ceramics: Discounted Date Night Special (for future use)
– FM Music record store: 20% off purchase. (New local albums not included)
– Kind Food inside Iron District: $2 off $10 or up purchase
– RINO Bar: $6 cocktail special
– ROKC Climbing Gym: Free rental gear
– Screenland Armour: BOGO movie tickets (from box office only)

*DEDICATED NKC SELFIE SPOT: Mural on the wall of The Brewkery, 1443 Swift Street
– Post your photos on IG, tag @yelpkc, and hashtag #CityAdventureChallenge

How many of these must-visit NKC spots can you venture out to between May 1 and May 8?!

Stay tuned for the following week when we roll out the River Market area challenge.

About RideKC Bike:

RideKC Bike is the Kansas City region’s bike share program. We operate in partnership with local municipalities and the KCATA to deliver fun, active, green transportation and recreation throughout the metro. We connect people to opportunities.

How to use a RideKC Bike:

Download the RideKC Bike app on your smartphone and create an account.

Add the promo codes to your “Coupons and Codes” wallet. Each promo code will get you a free 30-minute ride on a classical pedal bike or an e-bike. Regular rates will apply if your ride exceeds 30 minutes. See app for pricing details.For your free ride in NKC on May 1 through May 8, use promo code*: EXPLOREKC1
*Promo code expires after May 8 

Use the app to find and check out a bike near you.

When you reach your destination, use the integrated cable to lock up to a bike rack and use the RideKC Bike app to close the trip.

By RSVPing to and/or attending this Yelp event, you agree to the terms in the Yelp Event Waiver and Release, which is available here:

Participating is simple! Follow these steps:


STEP 1: RSVP on this page to guarantee you’ll stay up to date on all the details.

STEP 2: Follow the #LocalAdventureChallenge Collections. These will be your guide through each neighborhood and will loop you in on the special offers available each week, coming to your email inbox with your confirmation.

STEP 3: Visit as many of these local spots as you can and utilize Yelp’s Check-In feature to score deals at several participating businesses!


*Check-in preferred, but if any issues arise with your check-in you may mention Yelp’s City Adventure Challenge and the offers will be honored.

STEP 4: Each neighborhood will have one dedicated selfie-spot, so post those on social media and tag #LocalAdventureChallenge and @yelpkc!

Share your Yelp KC Local Adventure Challenge experiences throughout May on Yelp and on social media (don’t forget to tag us so we can share… this is optional, but encouraged.)

Important Safety Information:

If you feel sick, have a fever, have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not fully recovered, have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting your test results, or have been in contact with someone that tested positive for or exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, we ask that you sit this one out. Please also review these additional safety requirements before participating in any Yelp event or perk:…

*Your RSVP will provide you with all the info and details you need to know, including RideKC free ride promo codes as this challenge rolls on. These will be sent over email from throughout the challenge and will be posted on @yelpkc!

STEP 5: Support our local non-profit partner BikeWalkKC by becoming a member or donating here:…. (Optional, but encouraged)

We can’t wait to see how many of these KC experiences you complete in May, and stay tuned for your confirmation emails!

Yelp KC Local Adventure


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